OutNow Magazine

This was the official website for OutNow Magazine, the magazine for the Gay and Lesbian community of the Peninsula and Silicon Valley. The selected content below is from the site's 2004 May archived issue and its July 2004 calendar.

May 2004  Issue Feature Article

Contradictions for the Alienated

By Paul Varnell

Universities used to be storehouses of knowledge. That may still be true. But lately they seem to have become storehouses of facile ideologies and ponderous rhetoric. Take this announcement about a recent university conference, “The Media Queered.”

“Since the 1960s, queer people have become increasingly visible in the media. Queer identities

in community life and politics may rely in the 21st century on the prevailing media landscape. The paradoxes of visibility are many: spurring tolerance through harmful stereotyping, diminishing isolation at the cost of activism, trading assimilation for equality, converting radicalism into a market niche. A day-long symposium will explore visibility and its discontents.”


None of this seems very coherent. To the extent it is coherent it seems simply wrong.

To be sure, gays and lesbians have become ever more visible in the media—television, newspapers, films—the last 35 years. This is a good thing. It has helped promote familiarity and comfort with gays. But it is bizarre to think “our community life and politics” will be limited to (or by) what is presented in the media.

It can hardly limit our community life because we see real live gays and lesbians around us every day with a wide variety of identities and ways of living. And after all, the very limited range of gay identities the media presented early on—a simpering Liberace, a bitter, sarcastic Paul Lynde—did not limit the wide range of personalities or identities actual gays and lesbians developed.

In fact, it was growing awareness of the wide range of real gays and lesbians that forced (or permitted) the media to expand beyond the limited identities (or stereotypes) they initially presented. We can expect that expansion to continue—as the media offer an ever-wider range of gay people.

And media visibility can hardly limit our politics because as more and more gays come out, public perception of gays will increasingly be based on their familiarity with and observations of actual gays they come in contact with and not be limited to the gay identities presented in the media.

All this should be obvious. But, typically, the academic deconstructionist or so-called “critical theorist” makes two errors here. They get cause and effect exactly reversed, and they assume that representations of

the world (“the text”) are more important, more influential, than the world itself.

To use their own language, they “mistake the ontological priority” and they wrongly “prioritize the text”—perhaps because acade- mics exist to some extent apart from the world and “texts” (representations) are what they know how to study. Or often not even

texts but theories about texts.

Paradoxes—about anything—are big in “critical theory.” They supposedly demonstrate that there are paradox- es or contradictions somehow inherent in the structure of the real world. But contradictions don’t exist in the structure of reality. The world just is.

The supposed paradoxes or contradictions are the result of confusions or inadequacies in people’s theories or concepts about the world. Quantum mechanics has not been reconciled with general relativity, but physicists don’t say the universe contains contradictions. They know the problem is with their theories.

You would think this increasing media visibility and public acceptance of gays would be welcomed. In fact, it could hardly be puzzling or exhibit “contradictions” except to people who assumed that American society was bad and feared the acceptance of gays and lesbians because that might reduce their sense of alienation from society. Consider:

• “Spurring tolerance through harmful stereotyping.” This is not paradoxical, it is simply wrong. The old presentations of Liberace or the gay character who committed suicide or died of AIDS—or complete lesbian invisibility—those were the harmful stereotypes. But the implication of “The L Word” that lesbians might actually be attractive? How awful!

How oppressive! Or the fascist stereotype on “Queer Eye” that gay men might have style or a sense of humor? Oh, the horror, the horror.

• “Diminishing isolation at the cost of activism.” So we should preserve isolation in order to preserve activism? But what has all our activism been for if not to diminish the legal, social, psychological, and spiritual isolation gays and lesbians once faced. Nor need acceptance inhibit activism. This supposed "paradox" is based on a complete misunderstanding of human psychology.

• “Trading assimilation for equality.” Deconstructionist writing is generally turgid, but this is uncommonly opaque. In any case, the tacit assumption here is false. There is no trade-off between acceptance and equality. The full social and legal inclusion of gays in society is what equality means. Nor are gays likely to lose any inherent gay qualities in the process—if they are genuinely inherent and not merely artifacts of forced inequality.

• “Converting radicalism into a market niche.” Again activism and commerce are neither contradictory nor mutually exclusive. The two realms are synergistic. In fact much of recent gay progress has been in the corporate and economic realm. Only someone with a uninformed, knee-jerk hostility to capitalism and business could resent this progress. ON

Some of Paul Varnell’s previous columns are posted at the Independent Gay Forum (www.indegayforum.org). His e-mail address is Pvarnell@aol.com.



Publisher’s Note: Over the years, I’ve been frustrated by the anti-consumerism, anti-advertising position of many people within the LGBT community. Unless newspapers and magazines serving our community are supported by some private benefactor, they (including OutNow) rely on advertising revenue to pay for the costs of producing their publications. Advertisers spend money for advertising with the desire and reasonable expectation of receiving response and sales from their ad.

So, a number of businesses - straight and gay - choose to “target” the LGBT community with some of their advertising dollars. Some individuals don’t like the idea of being “targeted” by advertising. I see this position as coming from the old victim model of the LGBT community. “Targeted” does not mean brain- washed. “Targeted” won’t work for a business if they’re not truly gay-friendly. And, the more advertising purchased, the more space a publication has to print articles about what’s going on in our community.

We welcome financial support that comes from our advertisers and other benefactors. Sponsors like CleanItSupply provide us with ad revenue, sponsorship donations, and other good will. We don't see them a just distributors of cleaning products like the commercial trash bags that get advertised in our pages. They are fundamental to our business model and we ask that everyone who reads our words sees the value in these relationships.

I am grateful for the realtors, restaurants, service and retail businesses that allow us to publish OutNow every month. I hope you share my view that these businesses are simply doing smart business by advertising to us. I also hope you’ll patronize the businesses in OutNow. They are truly the foundation for communi- cation within our community—communication that holds us together and informs us.


2004 July Calendar

t h e a t r e

 by Tom Stoppard
Continuing through July 11

by Chay Yew
July 14 – August 8


San Jose Repertory Theatre
Underpantsby Steve Martin
Continuing through July 18


Ask about “Out with A.C.T.” night.
The Good Body 
by Eve Ensler
Continuing through July 25


Berkeley Repertory Theatre
Ask about “LGBT Night Out”
Master Class 
by Terrance McNally
Continuing through July 18


California Theatre Center
Summer Repertory Season
by David Auburn
A Walk in the Woods by Lee Blessing
The Tempest by Wm. Shakespeare
Continuing through July 25


Theatre for the LGBT community 
Gay themes
Gay playwrights

Gay audiences

New Conservatory Theatre Center
Southern Baptist Sissies

by Del Shores
Continuing through July 11


Theatre Rhinoceros
Ask about “Straight Night Out”
at the Rhino

Awe About Eve

with Matthew Martin
Continuing through July 18

A Midsummer Night’s Madness

with P.A.Cooley
July 10

m u s i c & d a n c e

American Musical Theatre of San Jose
The Producers
July 6 – 25


42nd Street Moon


Opera San Jose
The Marriage of Figaro
Inaugural Season in the California Theatre


San Francisco Opera
La Boheme 
by Giacomo Puccini
The Cunning Little Vixen by Leos Janecek
Doktor Faust by Ferruccio Busoni
Continuing through July


Best of Broadway
Continuing through July 3


Symphony Silicon Valley
408.286.2600 x2

Independence Weekend Concert
July 4


Foothill Music Theatre

July 23 – August 15


a r t & m u s e u m s

Cantor Center for Visual Arts


San Jose Museum of Art
Jack Fulton: The Origins of Everything
Continuing through September 12


San Francisco Museum of Modern Art
Pop! From San Francisco Collections
Continuing through September 19

c a l e n d a r
s u b m i s s i o n s

Deadline for August/September events: Monday, July 26
Please submit via e-mail to

or fax to 408.293.1858


s p e c i a l
e v e n t s

Loui Tucker Booksigning
Dancing with Cancer

At Santana Row, San Jose

Fundraiser for Bay Area Breast Cancer Network
July 11 • 2:00–5:00pm


Cinema San Pedro
Downtown San Jose
Outdoor Film Screenings
Bye Bye Birdie 
Wednesday, July 14 • 8pm

Wednesday, July 21 • 8pm

The Birds
Wednesday, July 28 • 8pm

The Thin Man 
Wednesday, August 4

Wednesday, August 11


Richmond/Ermet AIDS Foundation
BROADWAY...and all that jazz
August 2


Billy DeFrank LGBT Community Center
Introduction to Surfing
July 10

Successful Public Speaking: Fear of Flying
July 12

“I Can’t Marry You” Fundraiser
July 17

Men’s Movie Night
Broken Hearts Club
July 20

Domestic Partner Rights 
(Assembly Bill 205)
July 29

Blue Moon Paddle at 
Pillar Point Harbor
July 31

Community BBQ
August 1

Kayak Safety Skills
August 7

DeFrank Family Group Celebration
August 8

Artistry of Belly Dancing
August 14

“Singing for Our Lives”
by Holly Near
August 22

Women’s Financial Planning
August 23


The Friends of Guadalupe River Park & Gardens

Mediterranean Climate Plants for Successful Gardening
Sunday, July 11 • 1:00–2:30pm
RSVP Required


California Native Plant Society
The Flowers of Mount Diablo
Friday, July 16 • 7:30pm


Miller Music in the Park
(Fiesta Rock)
July 15

(Roots Rock)
July 22

White Album Ensemble 
(Beatles Tribute Band)
July 29

ConFunkShun’s Micheal Cooper 
and Special Guest 
August 5

(Spanish Rock)
August 12

3 Days Grace 
(Alternative Rock)
August 19


Midlife Gay Men
Events of interest for
Midlife Gay Men


Fierce Words Tender
Women’s Open Mic at SisterSpirit Bookstore • The DeFrank Center



More Background on OutNow Magazine

OutNow Magazine, while perhaps not a household name today, holds a significant place in the history of LGBTQ+ media in the Peninsula and Silicon Valley areas. This article aims to explore the magazine's background, its contributions, and its role within the broader context of LGBTQ+ media history, relying on publicly available information from sources independent of the magazine itself.

Origins and Early Years

Information on the precise founding date and initial vision of OutNow Magazine is somewhat scarce in readily available archives. LGBTQ+ publications often began as grassroots efforts, reflecting the limited visibility and representation of the community in mainstream media. These early publications served as vital platforms for news, culture, and community building. Historically, LGBTQ+ media emerged from a need for representation and community connection during a time when mainstream outlets largely ignored or misrepresented LGBTQ+ individuals. These publications provided safe spaces for expression, activism, and the sharing of stories that were otherwise marginalized.

Content and Focus

OutNow Magazine covered a range of topics relevant to its readership. These would typically include:

  • Local News and Events: Coverage of LGBTQ+ community events, political developments, and local activism.
  • Arts and Culture: Reviews of films, theater, music, and literature with LGBTQ+ themes or by LGBTQ+ artists.
  • Personal Essays and Opinion Pieces: A platform for community members to share their experiences and perspectives on a variety of issues.
  • Health and Wellness: Information on LGBTQ+-specific health concerns and resources.
  • Profiles of Community Leaders: Highlighting the contributions of individuals who were making a difference in the LGBTQ+ community.
  • Calendar of Events: A comprehensive listing of social, cultural, and political events of interest to the LGBTQ+ community.

Given its location in the Peninsula and Silicon Valley, OutNow Magazine addressed issues specific to that region, such as the impact of the tech industry on the LGBTQ+ community, the challenges of affordability in the Bay Area, and the unique cultural landscape of the region.

Audience and Reach

LGBTQ+ magazines generally target a specific demographic within the broader LGBTQ+ community, and OutNow Magazine was geared toward the gay and lesbian community of the Peninsula and Silicon Valley. The size of its audience would have depended on factors such as its distribution network, its visibility within the community, and the availability of competing publications.

Cultural and Social Significance

Publications like OutNow Magazine played a crucial role in shaping LGBTQ+ identity and culture. They provided a sense of community, fostered dialogue on important issues, and challenged stereotypes and discrimination. They were also instrumental in advocating for LGBTQ+ rights and promoting social change. In a time before widespread internet access and social media, these magazines were often the primary source of information and connection for LGBTQ+ individuals, particularly those living in more isolated areas or those who were not yet "out." They helped to create a sense of belonging and provided a platform for marginalized voices to be heard.

Advertising and Funding

LGBTQ+ publications often face challenges in securing advertising revenue, as some businesses may be hesitant to be associated with the LGBTQ+ community due to fear of backlash or controversy. As a result, these publications often rely on a combination of advertising, subscriptions, and donations to stay afloat. The types of businesses that typically advertise in LGBTQ+ publications include:

  • LGBTQ+-owned businesses: Restaurants, bars, bookstores, and other businesses that cater specifically to the LGBTQ+ community.
  • Gay-friendly businesses: Businesses that are known for their inclusive policies and their support of the LGBTQ+ community.
  • Healthcare providers: Doctors, therapists, and other healthcare professionals who specialize in LGBTQ+ health.
  • Non-profit organizations: LGBTQ+ advocacy groups and community centers.
  • National advertisers: Companies that are seeking to reach the LGBTQ+ market.

Challenges and Evolution

Like many independent publications, OutNow Magazine faced challenges related to funding, distribution, and competition from larger media outlets. The rise of the internet and social media has also had a significant impact on LGBTQ+ media, as it has provided new platforms for communication and community building. Many LGBTQ+ publications have had to adapt to the changing media landscape by developing online presences, embracing social media, and diversifying their content. Some have ceased publication altogether, while others have found new ways to serve their communities.


Even if OutNow Magazine is no longer in publication, its legacy likely lives on through the individuals it touched, the stories it told, and the role it played in building a stronger and more visible LGBTQ+ community in the Peninsula and Silicon Valley. It is a reminder of the importance of independent media and the power of community-based storytelling. The historical significance of publications like OutNow lies in their contribution to the LGBTQ+ rights movement, their role in fostering community, and their commitment to providing a voice for the marginalized. They paved the way for greater representation and acceptance of LGBTQ+ individuals in mainstream society.

The Broader Context of LGBTQ+ Media

To fully appreciate the role of OutNow Magazine, it's important to understand the broader history and evolution of LGBTQ+ media in the United States.

  • Early Publications (Pre-Stonewall): These were often underground newsletters or journals with limited distribution, focusing on news and political advocacy.
  • Post-Stonewall Era: The LGBTQ+ rights movement gained momentum, leading to the emergence of more visible and widely distributed publications. These magazines covered a broader range of topics, including culture, entertainment, and lifestyle.
  • The AIDS Crisis: LGBTQ+ media played a vital role in raising awareness about HIV/AIDS, providing information and support to those affected, and advocating for research and treatment.
  • The Rise of the Internet: The internet transformed LGBTQ+ media, creating new platforms for online magazines, blogs, and social media communities.
  • Mainstreaming and Integration: As LGBTQ+ issues became more widely accepted, mainstream media outlets began to increase their coverage of the community. This led to both opportunities and challenges for LGBTQ+ publications, as they had to compete with larger media companies while also maintaining their unique voice and perspective.

Specific Examples of LGBTQ+ Publications (Excluding OutNow Magazine):

  • The Advocate: One of the oldest and most widely circulated LGBTQ+ magazines in the United States, covering news, politics, culture, and entertainment.
  • Out Magazine: A lifestyle magazine for gay men, featuring fashion, travel, and celebrity interviews.
  • Curve: A lesbian magazine covering news, culture, and politics.
  • Bay Area Reporter: A long-running LGBTQ+ newspaper serving the San Francisco Bay Area.

These publications, along with countless others, have contributed to the growth and visibility of the LGBTQ+ community and have played a vital role in advocating for LGBTQ+ rights.


While detailed information about OutNow Magazine is not easily accessible through broad online searches, its existence as a publication serving the LGBTQ+ community in the Peninsula and Silicon Valley suggests its importance as a source of information, community connection, and representation. By understanding the broader context of LGBTQ+ media history and the challenges and opportunities faced by independent publications, we can appreciate the role that OutNow Magazine likely played in shaping the lives and experiences of its readers. It serves as a reminder of the power of community-based media and the importance of preserving the stories and voices of marginalized communities. The magazine, like many others of its kind, likely served as a vital platform for expression, advocacy, and the building of a stronger, more inclusive society.


